Monday, 21 June 2010

I refuse to jump on the 3D bandwagon

From a film review to a full on rant, today I want to talk about something that is really getting on my nerves. 3D. Any film enthusiast will tell you that film is story telling. Film has narrative, it has character development and what I like to call the 'Narrative Orgasm' - we follow the protagonist to an ultimate climax and thereafter we see the resolution.

Now it seems people are watching films based entirely on whether it's in 3D. Now I have no problem with good composition, and all the rest of it I just feel film should be first and foremost all about the story and characters. When we take that importance away and start ignoring it for the simple reason it's been shot in 3D, it ruins the whole general purpose behind a film.

For this reason I had very mixed views on Avatar. Yes it looked fantastic but I never felt connected to the characters, there was no real narrative flow and for that reason you came out feeling a little bit cold. For me a film that pays too much attention to it's aesthetics and none to it's narrative is like meeting a supermodel and the finding out later on, after you've met her parents that she is in fact a man.

I really do fear for Hollywood. Soon we will be inundated with rubbish that you have to wear a pair of ridiculously uncomfortable glasses to watch. Oh and on that topic, what if you wear glasses already?

I am all for the ever advancement of technology I just think it might take away the beauty and meaning behind good film.

1 comment:

  1. So right.. Avatar was just an Eye Candy, I did enjoy the 3D on it just because it was very pretty and shiny, and it involved me, like I was inside the story.. Sadly there was no story, and I quickly jumped out again...
